Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Mistakes--The Democrats Have Made a Few....

At The Liberal Patriot, John Halpin and I look back at the Democrats' 2021. The intro:
"The past year has been head spinning in political terms. 2021 started out with the unprecedented assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump seeking to disrupt the constitutional certification of the presidential election—an election won fair and square by Joe Biden—followed by Trump’s second impeachment for inciting insurrection, which again ended in acquittal in the Senate. Trump’s election antics and interventions in the Georgia Senate runoff elections unexpectedly helped Democrats gain unified control of government for the first time since 2009 when Barack Obama’s presidency began.
The stage was set for a triumphant first year for President Biden and Democrats.
With the wind at his back, Biden moved quickly on his promised “return to normal” with a series of well-executed policy achievements from the American Rescue Plan and vaccine rollout to new diplomatic efforts and movement on infrastructure investments.
“Shots in arms, checks in pockets.”
The second half of the year, unfortunately, was marked by inexplicable stumbles and self-inflicted political wounds that left Biden and Democrats depleted—and Republicans energized—ahead of critical midterm elections.
What happened? It’s a story of promise and political shrewdness followed by hubris and political obtuseness."
A sad end to a story that started so well. Read the whole thing at The Liberal Patriot!

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